
A Time of Thanks

Since it's Thanksgiving, I'm taking some time to reflect on all of the blessings in my life, so I felt I should acknowledge some of them by sharing them.  These are in no particular order and are JUST A FEW of my favorite things:

- my wonderful family
- a patient husband who is also an AMAZING dad
- 3 beautiful, healthy, FUNNY children who make me laugh every single day
- the ability to laugh at myself (I couldn't always do this)
- great girlfriends to share the good times and bad
- fireplaces 
- Stephen's hot chocolate
- the quiet time just before I go to sleep (this is when I do some of my best thinking)
- my mom, who I can count as one of my dearest friends 
- a country of freedom and democracy
- my dad (who I miss each and every day)
- the smell of my kids in the morning
- my calling in the Primary
- the gospel
- a freshly cleaned house
- my bed
- a good pedicure
- time alone with my hubby
- carrot cake
- great teachers
- kids in "footie" pajamas  (is that a word?)
- kids "belly laughing"
- midnight pomegranate lotion from Bath & Body
- yummy candles
- snuggling
- eternal families
- the "thirtysomethings" where I'm still young enough to act silly, but old enough not to care what people think about it!
- seat heaters
- singing

and last, but DEFINITELY not least, I'm thankful for my SAVIOR and all of the sacrifices he has made for me.  I feel so blessed for everything I've been given and am trying to show gratitude for these things each and every day.  I'm certainly not there yet, but I'm working on it...


Wirick Family Relocation Fund

So, normally Ian and Elise don't play together all that well - BIG SHOCKER!!  But today was an exception.  They were playing really good together in their bedroom (they even shut Connor out and put a chair in front of the door).  I was curious to see what had them so occupied, so I went in their room to find them counting all of the money in their piggy banks.  Elise said they were playing "money".  I didn't think anything of it and left the room.  A bit later, Elise came out of the room holding this Kleenex box (notice the words on the front - "Mountain Green Money Box").  She was also chanting, "we want to move - please pay money"!  

It's no secret that Chris and I have been wanting to move to Mt. Green for some time, but in light of the current economic crisis, we have put those dreams on hold and haven't talked about it much lately.  So, I don't know why she thought of this now, but I think it was pretty clever (not to mention HILARIOUS).

So, if any of you are feeling generous, please feel free to contribute your miscellaneous change to Elise's "Wirick Family Relocation Fund".  By the looks of it so far, we have about $2.50. We should be in good ole' Mt. Green in no time!!!



So lately, I have been looking for different ways to display photos on my blog. I have tried for hours on many different websites with no success. But, Eureka, I think I have finally found one that will work! This is a rough draft because it was really late when I was putting it together and I was starting to go cross-eyed. But hopefully, after some much needed sleep, I will have a lot of fun with this. The bad news is that I'm a cheapskate and, unless I want to pay a fee, I have to have their logo on my pictures. Nothing in life is free, is it? Oh well...

By the way, is that not the cutest stinkin' kid you've ever seen? (c'mon, admit it....)


Stein anyone? YES, PLEASE!

This past Friday, Chris and I celebrated our 13-year anniversary (holy cow, I'm old) with an overnight getaway to the Stein Eriksen Lodge in Deer Valley.  (A shout out of thanks to grandma for watching the rugrats).  This was our second visit, the first being three years ago for our 10-year.  It was fabulous then, but nothing compared to this time.  We arrived expecting the cozy little room we had been in previously, which was very nice.  But to our surprise, this time we were in a two bedroom suite with fireplaces in both the living area and bedroom, two full bathrooms, a mini-kitchen and flat screen TVs in both rooms. There was also a hot tub on the private balcony and a SPECTACULAR view of Deer Valley resort out our window. 

As if this wasn't enough, they treat you like ROYALTY when you are there.  I guess, since it is the only 5 star hotel in Utah, you should be treated like royalty when you are there, right??? We came back from dinner (at the fabulous restaurant they have in the lodge) to find our bed had been turned down and comfy robes and slippers had been laid out for us.  They had even placed mints on our pillows and put on some music ("turn down" music, to be exact).  Who knew there was such a thing as "turn down" music?  I guess the kind of people who have someone turn their beds down every night, right?  Chris and I are "common" folk, I think, so we find it really special (and quite rare) to be treated this way.  We had a really great time relaxing and getting in some real adult conversation (something you obviously don't get much of when you have three children under 7)!

So, to all you loving husbands out there, I implore you, at least once in your lives, to take your beautiful wives to the Stein!!!  (Notice my LARGE smile in the picture below - and yes, that IS a phone in the bathroom... in the bathroom!!!).  It is well worth the money.  And just a tip:  if you go during the "off-season", before all the celebrities and important types show up, you can get a screamin' deal.  (Ask for room 261-1 -  the view is BREATHTAKING)!!


Elder "B" - We love thee!

So, about three weeks ago my nephew left for the MTC.  He was called to the San Juan East Puerto Rico mission back in July (and just left in October).  We found out that he would be in Provo for a few weeks and then he would get to go to the MTC in the Dominican Republic. What an opportunity, right?  So, yesterday he left for the Dominican Republic. 

The day he got his call - what a day!

Even though he won't see this post, I just wanted to take this opportunity to tell him how proud we are of him and that we love and miss him. 

Be careful and work hard Elder "B"!!!


"Let him sleep, for tomorrow he'll move Mountains"

So, I think all of you moms out there (and dads - we mustn't forget the dads) will agree with me that there is nothing better than a sleeping child.  Especially if that child happens to be strong-willed, like my middle child (you know what they say about those poor middle children.)

For those of you who know me well, it's no secret that my 4-year-old, Ian, and I have our struggles. He really knows how to push my buttons!  And I will admit, I let my buttons get pushed way too often.  Afterall, I am the adult, right?!?  So when I put my kids to bed, I always let out a sigh that we made it through one more day.   And on a particularly hard day, I find myself counting the hours until bedtime (I know you all do it too at times, admit it).  Some nights, I even have "poor me" conversations with myself.  But, then when I watch my kids sleeping, and after I have my mini-tantrum, I have some moments of clarity.  I think to myself that I must have done something right to deserve these kids.  I look at my Ian (as spirited as he is) and think that I was blessed with this funny, smart and charming boy who is healthy and beautiful.  It's then when I remember that he is only 4 and he still has so much to learn and do in his life.  That spirit of his (when channeled correctly) will serve him well one day.

That's where the blog title comes in.  I heard that quote a few years back and it has stayed with me since.  I am embarrassed to say that I can't remember who actually quoted it, but the quote itself is so profound.  I look at him and wonder who and what he will be, and am I doing all I can to help shape him into the BEST person he can be?  What mountains will he move?  

So, I guess the moral to my story (or blog, as it were) is that, although I have hard times and struggles with my kids, I am so blessed to have them and can't wait to watch them "move their mountains".  (And, there is an added bonus.  I sure am able to get a lot done while they sleep! Maybe no mountains are moved, but plenty of molehills, for sure...

Yes, he's sleeping under my scrapbook table.  Beggars can't be choosers, right?


The Invisible Woman

A friend of mine sent this to me today, and she didn't know it at the time, but I was really needing to hear this today!

This is for all you women (especially moms) out there who feel invisible at times. Enjoy and know that there is always Someone who notices all the great things you do...


The Green Monster - AKA Magic Juice

So, while watching my two boys eat breakfast the other morning, I decided I had a worthy blog post happening right before my eyes -  THE MAGIC JUICE!!!  

Let me back it up a little.  About a year ago, Chris (my dear hubby) decided that he wanted a Blendtec blender for Christmas.  For those of you who don't know, this is the Mercedes of all blenders.  I'm fairly certain it could successfully blend a small animal, if tested.  Anyway, after a couple of hours at Costco and a brief love affair between Chris and the man who is now affectionately known as the "Blendtec Guy", we were the proud owners of a Blendtec blender. (We won't discuss the 2nd mortgage to afford the dang thing.)  :)  We have since been making these fabulous smoothies every day, and my kids suck them down!  The great thing about them is that they are loaded with fruits and vegetables.  And these are not the typical kid friendly veggies like "corn or potatoes", these are the good veggies like spinachkalecarrots, etc...  I know, sounds gross!  But, Chris was on a mission to get our kids eating healthier, and lo and behold, this mAgic Juice has done it.  It's mean, green and has this inexplicable power over men, women and children alike.  And for those of you who know me, it won't come as a shock to hear that I have... let's say... a strained relationship with the veg.  But I have to say that now I, in fact, do love me some green smoothie!

So ladies, if you are looking for a great gift for your health conscious hubbies this Christmas or even if you just want to deceive your children into eating more GREENS, let me highly recommend the Blendtec blender.  (Just don't leave your men alone with that Blendtec salesman, he's crafty...)



The proof is in the pudding (or should I say... the mAgic JuiCe!!)


Two cute boys and a ghoul!

If I had to describe this past Halloween in one word, it would be EPIC!  We had fabulous weather, darling costumed kids and of course, candy.  What more can you ask for??  Elise dressed as a scarecrow (though more sweet than scary), Ian was a SWAT officer (his phrase d' jour was "freeze sucka!"), and Connor went as a lobster (AKA a bug, Sebastian and a few other names he was called during the night).  We brought the wagon, anticipating that Connor would get tired, but he would have no part of it!  He was at every doorstep with the big kids enjoying the heck out of it!  I have to say, this Halloween beat the pants off of last year!!!  

But they'll call me Harry Potter...

So, about two weeks ago, it happened...  Elise had a vision test at school and came home with the dreaded note.  Yes, she needed an additional test from an eye doctor to determine if she needed glasses.  Needless to say, Elise was DEVASTATED.  So, after a lot of hugging, shedding of tears, and the aforementioned Harry Potter comment, we decided we would go to the doctor.  At the exam, the doctor informed us that she did indeed need glasses, but just for schoolwork as her prescription was very mild.  After the exam, we proceeded to Walmart to get some glasses.  Surprisingly, by the time we were done looking, Elise was totally stoked!!  Thank goodness for fashionable specs!!!  Now I can't get her to part with the dang things.  And, judging by this picture, can you blame her?  Better yet, could ya BITE her?!?


Construction Zone

So, I've finally done it.  I've taken the plunge into the waters of blogging.  I had to sample said waters by first getting a Facebook account (my mini-blog, if you will).  After doing that for a few weeks, I've become addicted!  So, the next natural step in addiction is to step it up right? Hence, my graduation to the blogging world.

I'm new to this stuff, though, so please check back and hopefully I will have figured it out by then!