
Two cute boys and a ghoul!

If I had to describe this past Halloween in one word, it would be EPIC!  We had fabulous weather, darling costumed kids and of course, candy.  What more can you ask for??  Elise dressed as a scarecrow (though more sweet than scary), Ian was a SWAT officer (his phrase d' jour was "freeze sucka!"), and Connor went as a lobster (AKA a bug, Sebastian and a few other names he was called during the night).  We brought the wagon, anticipating that Connor would get tired, but he would have no part of it!  He was at every doorstep with the big kids enjoying the heck out of it!  I have to say, this Halloween beat the pants off of last year!!!  

1 comment:

Matt Mueller said...

Hey Gal!! so proud of you, such a cute blog. Now I know what your up to. Have a good day...