
But they'll call me Harry Potter...

So, about two weeks ago, it happened...  Elise had a vision test at school and came home with the dreaded note.  Yes, she needed an additional test from an eye doctor to determine if she needed glasses.  Needless to say, Elise was DEVASTATED.  So, after a lot of hugging, shedding of tears, and the aforementioned Harry Potter comment, we decided we would go to the doctor.  At the exam, the doctor informed us that she did indeed need glasses, but just for schoolwork as her prescription was very mild.  After the exam, we proceeded to Walmart to get some glasses.  Surprisingly, by the time we were done looking, Elise was totally stoked!!  Thank goodness for fashionable specs!!!  Now I can't get her to part with the dang things.  And, judging by this picture, can you blame her?  Better yet, could ya BITE her?!?

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