
"Let him sleep, for tomorrow he'll move Mountains"

So, I think all of you moms out there (and dads - we mustn't forget the dads) will agree with me that there is nothing better than a sleeping child.  Especially if that child happens to be strong-willed, like my middle child (you know what they say about those poor middle children.)

For those of you who know me well, it's no secret that my 4-year-old, Ian, and I have our struggles. He really knows how to push my buttons!  And I will admit, I let my buttons get pushed way too often.  Afterall, I am the adult, right?!?  So when I put my kids to bed, I always let out a sigh that we made it through one more day.   And on a particularly hard day, I find myself counting the hours until bedtime (I know you all do it too at times, admit it).  Some nights, I even have "poor me" conversations with myself.  But, then when I watch my kids sleeping, and after I have my mini-tantrum, I have some moments of clarity.  I think to myself that I must have done something right to deserve these kids.  I look at my Ian (as spirited as he is) and think that I was blessed with this funny, smart and charming boy who is healthy and beautiful.  It's then when I remember that he is only 4 and he still has so much to learn and do in his life.  That spirit of his (when channeled correctly) will serve him well one day.

That's where the blog title comes in.  I heard that quote a few years back and it has stayed with me since.  I am embarrassed to say that I can't remember who actually quoted it, but the quote itself is so profound.  I look at him and wonder who and what he will be, and am I doing all I can to help shape him into the BEST person he can be?  What mountains will he move?  

So, I guess the moral to my story (or blog, as it were) is that, although I have hard times and struggles with my kids, I am so blessed to have them and can't wait to watch them "move their mountains".  (And, there is an added bonus.  I sure am able to get a lot done while they sleep! Maybe no mountains are moved, but plenty of molehills, for sure...

Yes, he's sleeping under my scrapbook table.  Beggars can't be choosers, right?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love how he is posing in every single picture, even in his sleep. I think that boy has a future as a model!