
Say My Name

This is Steve. Steve is Connor's friend from the Dollar Tree. Connor got Steve as a reward for hanging with mom through a marathon day of errands. Needless to say, Connor has more than a few treasures like this. He named Steve all by himself. I thought it was strange at the time (he also has a dog named Kevin, a whale named WaterSpin and a caterpillar named Jello Jello), but now it just fits. It's just one of the many reasons that I ADORE my quirky little man.

Recently, we went to the Dollar Tree...again. Connor was trying to decide what he would pick for his "treasure de jour", and after much thought and careful consideration, he made his choice.

So, my fellow bloggers and blog stalkers, allow me to introduce you to......

Green Steve

1 comment:

meg said...

Bah ha ha ha! This just made my day. :)