
Taking the SD by Storm

Our first vacation so far this year was to San Diego, CA. Chris found this cool little thing called the San Diego City Pass which basically entitles the bearer of said pass to run amuck in the city and cram as much as he/she can into a five day period. And, run amuck we did!! The fallout of such running is evidenced below:

If you are at all interested in seeing the mass amounts of ground we covered, I have included a little slideshow for your viewing pleasure. If you aren't interested, why are you stalking my blog. Stop being a creeper and go elsewhere. See ya. Bu-bye!! (Wow - where did I have that stored?)

Anywho, you know how when you are planning a family vacation, you are super excited, and that excitement carries over until you get on said vacation? Then, slowly, as the vacation goes on, you begin to get a little less excited and a little more ready to come home. Well, that is how we became toward the end of the trip. And when we returned home, we found ourselves needing a little....well....um....what's the word? Oh yeah...VACATION. To top it off, I (in my infinite wisdom) agreed to go on a family vacation the week BEFORE Spring Break due to the "Hubs" (which is what I will call him in Blogland from now on) having a conference he had to attend during Spring Break. So, the Littles and I got to spend not one, but TWO weeks together!!! Don't get me wrong, I love my little Lovelies to the moon and back. But, as I sit here the Saturday night before school starts again, I am having visions of that big yellow bus barreling down the road on Monday morning like manna from heaven. And, I'm not gonna lie, I get just a wee bit tingly inside... :)

1 comment:

Matt said...

That looked like a lot of fun!! We just got back from SD yesterday after spending a week there. We actually hit legoland for the first time!! Had a good time. This is the only way I keep up on your life!
Crazy lives!!
