
Ya-Yaism #100 or so

Elise has said some REALLY funny things over the years.  For the sake of a blog title, I will now be referring to these funnies as "Ya-Yaisms" (I know - not real original).  There have been some real winners, more than I can count, and I know one day I will regret not writing them all down.  I'm hoping my brain holds out for a while and I can continue to store them there.

Anyway, last night I got an email from my mom (who was having Elise over for a sleepover). They were watching TV and Elise said something funny that I felt was VERY postworthy.  Here is how it went:

Elise:  Marna (that's what she calls my mom), can 
you remember a phone number?

Marna:  Probably not, why?

Elise:  I think my mom really needs this.  She has been 
having problems with this for a while, and 
I want to get her some of this stuff to help her.

Elise then proceeds to run and get a pen and paper to jot down the phone number.  My mom looks over at the TV and the commercial is for PROACTIVE!!!

Now, I will admit that I have been a little more "ZITTY" as of late, and have also vocalized my disappointment on numerous occasions, but I didn't really think my 7-year-old would have cause for concern.

So, I'm assuming when she gets home today, I will be given the self-help phone number that will solve all my acne problems!  Isn't she the sweetest?

However, if it makes me looks like this, then maybe it's worth a shot...


Michelle said...

That is HILARIOUS!! I haven't noticed any acne at all...

laceemo3 said...

Love your Blog girl! That Elise cracks me up I remember teaching her in sunbeams she had me laughing then as well! LOL!

Marcus Maw said...

That is so funny...I can't wait for the day when Marek tells me I'm fat and brings me slim fast shakes! Ha Ha Hope you all are doing well we love your blog:) Lindi