
If you need me...

My recent lack of journaling/documenting/posting, etc. was due to nothing other than...well...life happening. And because of this thing called "life", a small storm, that I will call Blogapalooza*, is currently brewing. So, if you are at all interested in following the happenings of The Wirick Five, sit back, grab a beverage and enjoy! I will be right here...

*I love this term PALOOZA. It is an amazing term that can manage to take the simplest, mundane parts of a person's life and turn them slightly more "rockstar-esque". For example, you could say "dinnerpalooza" or "napapalooza" or "takingoutthetrashapalooza". OK - that last one was a bit of a stretch.

Anyway, go ahead and try it with your own life terms. See how it makes you feel. C'mon, I know you wanna...

Say My Name

This is Steve. Steve is Connor's friend from the Dollar Tree. Connor got Steve as a reward for hanging with mom through a marathon day of errands. Needless to say, Connor has more than a few treasures like this. He named Steve all by himself. I thought it was strange at the time (he also has a dog named Kevin, a whale named WaterSpin and a caterpillar named Jello Jello), but now it just fits. It's just one of the many reasons that I ADORE my quirky little man.

Recently, we went to the Dollar Tree...again. Connor was trying to decide what he would pick for his "treasure de jour", and after much thought and careful consideration, he made his choice.

So, my fellow bloggers and blog stalkers, allow me to introduce you to......

Green Steve

Taking the SD by Storm

Our first vacation so far this year was to San Diego, CA. Chris found this cool little thing called the San Diego City Pass which basically entitles the bearer of said pass to run amuck in the city and cram as much as he/she can into a five day period. And, run amuck we did!! The fallout of such running is evidenced below:

If you are at all interested in seeing the mass amounts of ground we covered, I have included a little slideshow for your viewing pleasure. If you aren't interested, why are you stalking my blog. Stop being a creeper and go elsewhere. See ya. Bu-bye!! (Wow - where did I have that stored?)

Anywho, you know how when you are planning a family vacation, you are super excited, and that excitement carries over until you get on said vacation? Then, slowly, as the vacation goes on, you begin to get a little less excited and a little more ready to come home. Well, that is how we became toward the end of the trip. And when we returned home, we found ourselves needing a little....well....um....what's the word? Oh yeah...VACATION. To top it off, I (in my infinite wisdom) agreed to go on a family vacation the week BEFORE Spring Break due to the "Hubs" (which is what I will call him in Blogland from now on) having a conference he had to attend during Spring Break. So, the Littles and I got to spend not one, but TWO weeks together!!! Don't get me wrong, I love my little Lovelies to the moon and back. But, as I sit here the Saturday night before school starts again, I am having visions of that big yellow bus barreling down the road on Monday morning like manna from heaven. And, I'm not gonna lie, I get just a wee bit tingly inside... :)

It's Simply Pinktastic!!!

Elise is 10...and oh, so fabulous!!! So, we couldn't let her 10th birthday pass without some fabulousness to go with it. Cue "Elise's Pretty in Pink Party". That's right...we partied like rockstars this year!! Elise invited some of the cutest little girls she knows, they all dressed in pink, we piled in a limo and we headed out on the town. Even the limo driver followed the theme (and the girls were a little more than impressed)...

So...if you are looking for a girls' party that's sure to be a hit, here is the recipe:

- A stylin' "ride" with the Black Eyed Peas booming inside
- An explosion of PINK (including apparel, treats, balloons, etc...)
- A yummy meal (in this case, the Olive Garden)
- A group of stinkin' cute girlies to go along for the ride

Spring = Birthdays

March was quite a month! We had a piano recital, a 4th grade program (both of which were on the same night, surprisingly), two birthdays, some FABULOUS parties (which included some fabulous food), St. Patty's Day...and I'm sure a lot more!!

Elise turned 10, which means I must be turning...well...OLD!!!

And my little man, Connor, turned 4!


...oh, and, stay tuned for another birthday next month when Ian turns the big 7...