
Wirick Review - A recap of all things '09

To start 2010 off right, I decided to reflect back on 2009 and list some of the high(and low)lights of our year. Here's hoping this coming year brings many more great adventures and memories...and less not-so-great ones!

- Ian broke his arm falling off the top bunk bed. This was, surprisingly, our first broken bone...and hopefully our last. Even worse, it happened on Friday the 13th. Even worse, Chris and I were out celebrating Valentines Day (we never got to celebrate...unless you count eating hospital food while in the ER). Even worse, Ian's poor grandma (Marna) was babysitting when it happened, saw the whole thing, and to this day, can't go in his room without being somewhat traumatized.

- Elise turned 8 and was baptized. This was our first baptism and it was really special for us all. Elise, being the sensitive thing that she is, was so touched that she cried. Mom's heart was warmed seeing her "baby" be touched by the Spirit.

- We started a rock band this year. We are called Hot Fuzz! OK, so it isn't a real band...and our only venue so far has been our family room...but, we can really rock. We (along with our bandmates, the Ukenas) have spent many a night rocking out until all hours of the night. It usually ends with us carrying comatose children to their beds. They, apparently, can't hang strong like us old guys!

- We went to Disneyland in May. Elise and Ian had both been before, but they were pretty young, so I don't know if they remembered much. Connor had never been before and he enjoyed every second, especially groping all of the characters. (Not really. His head and arms just came to a very unfortunate place on the characters' bodies, and some of the pictures are a bit...well...obscene.) We had a really great trip and hope to do again soon. Well, I can't speak for dad, but we'll work on him!

Doesn't Donald's expression say it all?!?

- Chris hit the big 40 this year. You would never know it to look at him, which is nice for him... and me. Although, I think I may begin to look older than him pretty quickly, which isn't so nice for him... or me. We surprised him with a little birthday dinner at Tony's Pizza (YUM) with a small group of friends. He wasn't too mad about the surprise, and we all had a great time! We finished off the evening with an epic session of RockBand and wore the kids out - yet again - rocking out until the wee hours of the night. He may be old, but he can rock with the best of 'em!

- Ian decided to try basketball for the first time. He's playing soccer as well, but hasn't really embraced it yet. Basketball, on the other hand, really interests him. The team was pretty young (and a bit vertically challenged), so there wasn't much progress made, but he really had a good time. Mom thinks he looks pretty handsome in a jersey, too...

- Mom and dad participated in our first Murder Mystery this Summer. We even got to be the victims. Dad was a vampire and mom was a watcher. We had a great time picking out our costumes and hanging out with good friends while trying to solve our own murders. Weird, right? The best part was that mom got to go home with a hot vampire at the end of the night.

Edward who??

- We went on a camping trip to the Uintahs with our good friends, the Ukenas. This was the second annual trip, and we are hoping to make this a tradition. This was Connor's first time going and he had a blast! There's nothing better for a little boy than getting dirty, right? Thanks to the Ukenas for providing the cabin. It's nice to have friends with connections... :)

- Elise started 3rd grade and Ian started Kindergarten this year. They were both excited to go to school, especially Ian, it being his first time in "real" school and all. Mom was pretty excited to have a somewhat calmer house and some alone time in the mornings with Connor. Connor, on the other hand, not so much... He was really bummed that he couldn't go to school and "ride Ya-Ya's bus".

- Ian memorized the Pledge of Allegiance in school. That kid has a great memory! He was so proud to recite it for mom and dad, and he got every word right (even indivisible)!! He is doing great in school and will soon be learning to read. I'm sure he will pick it up in no time.

- Chris was released as YM President and called to be a Ward Missionary. It was very bittersweet for him. Although he was ready for a break from having such a demanding calling, he was really bummed to be leaving the boys that he had formed such a great bond with. They were equally as bummed. But he still manages to work in some bonding time with them each week on the basketball court.

- RockBandapalooza '09 baby!! We had our first (and hopefully annual) RockBand costume party in October. The theme was 80s rock and everyone looked fantastic! The guest list was amazing!! I remember seeing Devo, Axl Rose, Cyndi Lauper, a couple of Cyndi Lauper impersonaters, Weird Al, Kiss and many more.... Basically, I saw a million faces and I rocked them all!! (It's a Bon Jovi lyric, for those of you non-rockers who are questioning my sanity right now...)

- Elise performed in the Clytie Adams School of Ballet's Nutcracker this year. It was her first year and she loved every minute of it. She played a gingerbread, and she was the tiniest one (BIG surprise). She is hoping to do it again next year, and the next, and the next... Mom was busy driving back and forth to Kaysville three times a week, but it was worth it because Elise enjoyed it so much. Also, it was great to spend some one-on-one time with Elise...even if most of it was in the car.

- We put our house on the market - the first step in our quest to live the Mountain Green dream. It hasn't gone so well yet, but here's hoping 2010 will bring the "perfect" buyer to us! Fingers crossed!! It only takes one, right? Elise even started a "Mt. Green Money Box" to help us save for the new house. I think we have about $2.84 in there so far.... ;)

- Elise had her first piano recital in December. She has been playing for a year now and is really getting good at it. She is very talented and a bit of a perfectionist. She really shines in all things musical!

- Connor got a "big boy" bed this year. Mom wasn't ready for it yet, but he forced her hand by trying to climb out of the crib on numerous occasions. He hasn't mastered the concept of staying in the bed yet, but he is adjusting....sometimes sleeping on the floor or standing up with his head resting on the bed. As long as some part of him is in the bed, right? We are hoping to keep going in the "big boy" direction by ditching the diapers in the near future. Mom's first resolution of the new year is to never buy a diaper again...unless, of course, dad begins to need them soon. He is 40, afterall... :)

These are just some of the significant things that happened to the Wirick Five this year. We are blessed to have such great family and friends to share our lives with. We are also blessed to have the Savior in our lives, and to have the blessings of the Gospel. We had a great year, and we are excited to see what's in store for us in '10. We are hoping the same for all of you as well.

HaPpy NeW YeAr!!


Gramps and Grammy said...

Hey, it is not camping if you are staying in a cabin. Tents, or under the stars, yes. Cabins equal my wife's version of camping. Wait, we still call taking our trailer out camping.....maybe I am wrong. Let me go change my diaper and think about it!

Gramps and Grammy said...

Thank you for sharing your life with us. I really do appreciate it. You have such a cute family. love Aunt Kathy