
A few days ago, I (along with the Hubs, of course) became the proud owner of......


Yep, you are seeing it right. It's a patch of very statuesque weeds (in front of a BEAUTIFUL hillside...unfortunately not mine). Try to contain your envy, it doesn't become you.

Anywho, we expect to have this puppy cleaned up soon, and maybe...just maybe...evolve into the proud owners of a big fat hole in the ground before the school year begins.

Stay tuned...

...and, seriously...enough with the jealousy. Get your own patch of weeds!

1 comment:

Liza said...

Oh my I should read your blog more! You are such a great writer! It is hilariously YOU!!! I can't tell where your property is? Clearly I need an update! Are you liking the Dup so far? When the kids are back in school we can go to lunch. :)