
His Name was Justin

Swimming lessons this year were great! We used the same school as the past few years, Graham's School of Aquatics (look 'em up....they are awesome sauce). My kids really got to know and love their instructors last summer, so imagine their surprise when all of the instructors this summer were new. They were a little more than nervous when they realized that they were going to have to get to know new people. GASP!!!

The kids did well...as well as kids who don't swim all year could do. They are slowly getting it, but I blame their mom for not taking them swimming more so they can practice their skills. Oh wait....

Anywho, the kids DID manage to get to know their instructors and surprise, surprise...they loved them. So much so that Connor even said to me one day, "I love Justin, he's my best friend". Justin, obviously, was one of the instructors. In fact, he was THE instructor in my boys' minds.

So, all in all, it was another successful year. Maybe we will actually make it to the pool a couple times this summer and put our POOL SKILLZ to use! (Hint, hint, mom. Oh wait....)

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