
Ian's 6!

HapPy HaPpy BiRthDaY to my first born son! It seems like just yesterday you were born, a solid 7 lbs. 4 oz. (with an AWESOME head of hair - the best of the family). You were such a beautiful baby, and I still remember my heartbreak when I had to leave the hospital without you. Luckily, it was just a little scare and we were only without you for a day, which was still FAR too long, by the way!

Now you are the big SIX and learning so much every day. You are so smart and inquisitive. You are learning to read and asking so many questions (too many some days...), but I'm so proud of your "need to know". Stick with it, it will take you far...

You still have the most awesome head of hair in the family! I think dad may be a tad jealous, but don't tell him I said that. You are extremely handsome, and I can imagine that before long, I will no longer be the most important woman in your life. The girls in your kindergarten class already fawn over you!!

I love you very much and can't wait to see what life has in store for you. Oh, the places you'll go!!

P.S. Where did you GET that hair?!? :)


1 comment:

Liza said...

Happy Birthday Ian and Elise!!! Two of the very cutest kids I know!!! We need to see you guys soon! Janae-Hope your trip was AWESOME and relaxing! :)