
The OC

Last weekend I had the pleasure of going back to So. Cal. for a visit.  I flew solo on this trip due to some much needed "me time".    I stayed with a good friend of mine, Liz, and had a FABULOUS time with her and her beautiful daughter, Sydney.

The weather was great!!!  We went shopping, ate, had pedicures, ate, visited friends, and then there was the EATING!!!  As you can tell, that was one of my favorite parts.  I have to say that California is a great place for a girl who loves to eat.  As a matter of fact, the only good picture I got from the trip was this picture of the WAHOO's sign (a favorite OC eatery of mine).  It's not that I hadn't planned on taking more pictures - we were just so busy that I didn't ever think to pull my camera out (except for at WAHOO's, of course...)  Oh, and during our pedicures, but I will spare you the picture of my feet!!!

Thanks Liz - I had a great time and brought home some great memories... along with a couple extra pounds (dang food - why do I love thee)!

1 comment:

meg said...

Sweet! We're heading to So Cal on Saturday. We'll have to stop by a Wahoo's if we see one! :D