
Don't Speak too Soon!

Well, I must say that nothing really blogworthy has gone on in the lives of the Wirick family lately, and I was just saying to myself that my life had been pretty boring as of late (for lack of a better word).  But, I guess I spoke too soon...

Last night (Friday the 13th, mind you), Chris and I decided to go out for Valentine's Day. We wanted to beat the crowds and get it done a day early.   We hadn't been gone more than a half-hour, and were just sitting down at Bistro 258 in Ogden getting ready to enjoy some fabulous food when the waitress came over with the phone and said there had been an emergency.  (Yes, we have cell phones, but neither one of us heard them ringing - a lot of good it did to have them!) Anyway, Chris took the call from my mom (who had kindly agreed to babysit, but after this, may never offer again due to trauma).  She informed us that Ian had fallen off the top bunk bed, landed on his back, and broken his arm!!  Chris asked if she was sure it was broken, and she said most definitely!!!  (You will see how she knew for sure momentarily...)

So, we rushed home and took him to the ER.  It was, in fact, broken -  two bones to be exact. So, long story short, we ended up spending our romantic Valentines night in the hospital with a very traumatized 4-year-old, fluorescent lighting and hospital burgers and fries.  Talk about ROMANCE, huh???

I have never been a superstitious person before, but I think I have changed my tune a bit. Needless to say, we will be spending our next Friday the 13th (which is a mere month away, by the way) at home, sitting in the rubber room I am planning to have built, and staring at each other!!!  

So, in closing, I will quote my sweet Bishop from my California days and say, "A good time was had by all!!" 

(Oh, and as a side note for all you superstitious people - as we were walking my mom out to her car after all the drama, a black cat walked across the street!  No Joke...)

Do you think it's broken??

The nurses said this was one of the most "impressive" breaks 
they had ever seen!  Ian really knows how to do it up right!!!

If we had only had candlelight, 
this dinner would have been PERFECTION!!


Cami said...

Oh my heck!! That breaks my heart! I would say you got a surprise!! I suggest staying in next Friday the 13th too!! Hope Ian gets feeling better soon!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad it was Marna watching the kids and not some poor mia maid!

The Wirick Five said...

I hear you there, but Marna is PRETTY traumatized!! I feel bad for her... :(

Doug and Shayla said...

Oh,that looks painful. What a little trooper. Hope he gets feeling better soon.

Matt said...

Oh Janae!!! My stomach churned when I saw his poor arm! I hope he heals quickly and gets better soon. Call me when things have settled down...

Em said...

Oh that is so sad! I hope that he feels better soon!

Liza said...

WOW!!!! That is one of the most disgusting things I have ever seen!!! I am so sorry IAN! That snuggle picture at the bottom is pretty priceless! Guess I should have read your blog before leaving my message at your house today....I think you're busy this week!!! :)

Gramps and Grammy said...

Roger and Kathy send best wishes for a speedy recovery. That is one impressive break(s)