

So, a few weeks ago I had what I will call a "seasonal panic attack".  Not to be confused with my everyday panic attacks, this is the one that comes with the holidays.  I'm sure many of you have experienced this same thing a time or two.  I started to stress out about gifts, cards, parties and all of the other things that had to be done for Christmas.  

I know I'm not a very nice person when I'm stressed (big surprise).  Case in point - we were decorating for Christmas last week and I was doing my normal perfectionist thing and ordering everyone around.  The kids weren't doing what I thought they should be doing, things weren't going the way I thought they should be going, and Chris just wasn't doing anything right!!!  
(Ladies, isn't that the way our poor husbands are usually treated during stressful times?)   Chris even asked me at one point why I ask them to help when it just stresses me out.  He said, "why don't you just do this alone?"

That got me thinking...  Maybe I am one who stresses me out.  Maybe I just need to take things slow and enjoy doing them.  Maybe, just maybe, if I started making it more about "WE" and less about "I", things would be better!

So I started looking at old Christmas photos to put me in the mood, and I have to say, since that night, I have had a NEW outlook on the holiday season.  Things are going really smoothly and I am enjoying myself much more now!  

I thought I would post some of those cute photos in case somebody else is feeling the same way.


This is my fAvOriTe - everyone should have one like this!


meg said...

I love that you changed it it "what they saids." And I also love that last Santa picture. Too funny! :)

The Wirick Five said...

Thanks! Isn't that picture totally 70's? We weren't even planning on having a picture taken, but it turned out pretty classic. It's like one of those photos you would submit to Ellen for worst Christmas photo!