Anyway, last night I got an email from my mom (who was having Elise over for a sleepover). They were watching TV and Elise said something funny that I felt was VERY postworthy. Here is how it went:
Elise: Marna (that's what she calls my mom), can
you remember a phone number?
Marna: Probably not, why?
Elise: I think my mom really needs this. She has been
having problems with this for a while, and
I want to get her some of this stuff to help her.
Elise then proceeds to run and get a pen and paper to jot down the phone number. My mom looks over at the TV and the commercial is for PROACTIVE!!!
Now, I will admit that I have been a little more "ZITTY" as of late, and have also vocalized my disappointment on numerous occasions, but I didn't really think my 7-year-old would have cause for concern.
So, I'm assuming when she gets home today, I will be given the self-help phone number that will solve all my acne problems! Isn't she the sweetest?
However, if it makes me looks like this, then maybe it's worth a shot...