
A Time of Thanks

Since it's Thanksgiving, I'm taking some time to reflect on all of the blessings in my life, so I felt I should acknowledge some of them by sharing them.  These are in no particular order and are JUST A FEW of my favorite things:

- my wonderful family
- a patient husband who is also an AMAZING dad
- 3 beautiful, healthy, FUNNY children who make me laugh every single day
- the ability to laugh at myself (I couldn't always do this)
- great girlfriends to share the good times and bad
- fireplaces 
- Stephen's hot chocolate
- the quiet time just before I go to sleep (this is when I do some of my best thinking)
- my mom, who I can count as one of my dearest friends 
- a country of freedom and democracy
- my dad (who I miss each and every day)
- the smell of my kids in the morning
- my calling in the Primary
- the gospel
- a freshly cleaned house
- my bed
- a good pedicure
- time alone with my hubby
- carrot cake
- great teachers
- kids in "footie" pajamas  (is that a word?)
- kids "belly laughing"
- midnight pomegranate lotion from Bath & Body
- yummy candles
- snuggling
- eternal families
- the "thirtysomethings" where I'm still young enough to act silly, but old enough not to care what people think about it!
- seat heaters
- singing

and last, but DEFINITELY not least, I'm thankful for my SAVIOR and all of the sacrifices he has made for me.  I feel so blessed for everything I've been given and am trying to show gratitude for these things each and every day.  I'm certainly not there yet, but I'm working on it...

1 comment:

Greg Wirick said...

And don't forget a fabulous brother-in-law.