
The (witch) Dr. Is In

So, recently, I was introduced to doTerra essential oils and vitamins. The vitamins had me at hello since I have been meaning to get into a vitamin regimen for some time, and these have multiple benefits. They are a bit spendy, but I figure my health is worth it, right?!?

As far as the oils go...I was a bit skeptical. However, after many "coincidences", I think I'm sold.

...and yes, you may now refer to me as the Witch Doctor... :)


Saved by the Bell

Don't get me wrong, I love the whirlwind of summer - complete with crazy kids, fun adventures, water, crazy kids, late nights, popsicles, mini vacations...and of course, CRAZY KIDS!!! However, school starting always brings the routine and calm (a small bit) that is so desperately needed by August's end.

This year, Elise is in 4th grade, Ian is in 1st and Connor is starting preschool. What does that mean for mom? Well, in a nutshell, it means that for the first time in YEARS, I actually have a little bit of time all to myself. Granted, it's only 2.5 hours, two days a week, but I'll take it. What will I do with all of this alone time, you ask? Well, I thought, maybe...I would build a house, cure an illness, write a novel... Yeah, you're right - I probably don't have enough time for all of that.

Maybe I will simply sit...and stare...and breathe... :)


A Day in My Life

We have been potty training recently, and I thought this pic was appropriate since I have seen plenty of this as of late. What is he holding, you ask? Why, it's an iPad, of course. Isn't it ironic that this 3.5 year old has yet to meet an electronic he couldn't master, but he can't wrap his brain around this potty business?!?

Fortunately, we have just about crossed the finish line with this one, and the best part...NO MORE DIAPERS FOR THIS MOM. EVER. AGAIN!!! (Or, should I say...until dad gets a little older? I did marry an older man, after all.)