
Bring it!

Well, it has arrived with a vengeance....DeCeMbeR, that is! I always dread the hoopla that comes with December and the emotional crash that follows in January. However, last year I decided to embrace December a bit more and try to enjoy all it brings. Although the holidays are very stressful (and I still do my fair share of complaining), I am trying to embrace the season and enjoy it to the fullest. We have some fun things on our calendar for the month and I plan to relax (a little) and enjoy them (a lot)!!

I'm trying to look at the holiday season through my childrens' eyes (while keeping the true meaning in my head and heart at the same time). And so, with that said....it's beginning to look a lot like ChRiStMaS!!

Plus, when you have kids who look this cute in Santa hats, how can you not enjoy it??