
Disney Mania!

So, we recently got back from a long awaited and much anticipated trip to DisNeyLanD. The last time we went, Elise was 5 and Ian was 2. Needless to say, it was basically all new to them. We spent one night (which happened to be my birthday) with old friends at the Rainforest Cafe. The kids thought it was pretty cool. The dad thought it was overpriced and overrated, but still fun. :) (Thanks for joining us Lizzie).

We also spent one morning at Huntington Beach. The kids loved playing in the sand and running in the waves. Mom loved lying on the beach with a magazine just being lazy! It made me realize that the beach/ocean is probably the thing I miss most about So Cal.

We were also able to spend some time with cousins in Nevada. They were gracious enough to put us up for a night on each end of the trip. We had a really great time with them! Uncle Greg even took us out on his boat one day, to Lake Mead. Elise and Connor LOVED that, Ian... not so much. Connor was so relaxed, he even fell asleep on the boat! (Look for that priceless pic in the slideshow below).

All in all, we had a FABULOUS time. We even managed to dodge the swine flu - BONUS!!! I think Chris even found himself having fun once or twice during the trip... :) Just teasing, Chris, I love ya. Thanks for the memories!


"Black & Blue" is the new Black

Now that the weather is getting warmer, I'm excitedly putting my kids in all their cute summer clothes and I'm noticing the typical childhood bruises on their little legs.  That's to be expected, right?  After all, they are kids.

But, Connor isn't looking so normal to me.  The poor kid's legs are embarrassing, not to mention his arms and head.  I wouldn't even put him in shorts if he wasn't so stinkin' cute in them.  I'm pretty sure people think I'm abusing the kid.

Well, today was an EPIC day for bruises.  We were eating lunch at Cafe Rio with a friend and all was well...until Connor fell off of his chair, hitting my friend's chair on the way down. Luckily she was able to grab him before he hit the concrete floor.  He let out a blood curdling scream (which was the first indication I had that he had even fallen because I was dealing with my other child at the time).  I picked him up and was holding him when I realized that half of the restaurant was staring at me.  One lady even turned to me and pointed out a pretty big goose egg on the side of his head.  She suggested I get some ice for him.  I then proceeded to tell her that said goose egg was from a couple of days ago.  The one from this particular incident was in the middle of his head, (somewhat resembling a Unicorn's horn), and wasn't quite finished growing yet.  I finally got him calmed down from the fall just in time to see him smack his eye on the corner of the table.  ENCORE!!! ENCORE!!!  The patrons of Cafe Rio really got their money's worth today...  

So, the reason for my post is to assure you that I have not/nor do I plan to beat my son, and to ask that, when you see us, you kindly resist the urge to call CPS!!!  :)

Just your typical lunch at Cafe Rio??  At least he can smile about it...  :)

Even the poor kid's feet are bruised!