
A Penny Saved...

I've been hearing a lot about this Grocery Smarts/Pinching your Pennies craze as of late, but always thought it sounded like too much work.  But then I thought, "wouldn't my dear hubby be so proud if I saved some extra money?" - goodness knows I've already perfected the art of spending it!

So, a couple of weeks ago, I decided to go for it.  A friend of mine taught a group of us the ropes (thanks, Nicki), and I took my first shot at it. Unfortunately, I didn't get a picture from my maiden voyage, but I did manage to save some money.  I ended up spending $52 and saving $56. Not bad for the first trip, I thought.

The next week I headed to Albertsons, armed with coupons from multiple papers (one of the GOLDEN rules), my sale ad and a personalized spreadsheet.  Yes,  I even made a spreadsheet so I wouldn't crack under the "money saving" pressure!!  I didn't want to look like a "newbie" in front of the hard-core shoppers.  (You know who you are...)

Well, I did pretty good - better than the week before.  I took a picture, but instead of spreading everything out like the pros do, I stacked it all, so the picture doesn't display the full savings that I partook of.  (Dang novices and their stupid mistakes...)  But, I have to admit, I have saved more money than I thought I would, and I imagine it will only get better.  I actually found the adrenaline rush to be quite invigorating. Now if I can just keep from running directly to the nearest mall, I will be in good shape!

Coupons: $23.00
Preferred Savings: $72.72
Bonus Buy Savings:  $8.84
Total Spent: $78.75
Total Savings: $104.56

A Sight for Tired Eyes

So, it's no secret that I LOVE sleeping kids.  There's nothing better for a mom than that quiet time when the kids are all tucked snuggly in their beds.  Luckily, my kids have always been pretty good sleepers, for the most part. (Connor was an exception for a while, but we set him straight...). Ian is probably my best sleeper - once he's out, he's OUT (as evidenced in this pic)! 

The other night, I went on my nightly rounds to check the kids before bed, and this is how I found Ian.  Apparently, falling out of bed can't even interrupt his beauty sleep.  No wonder he's so darn cute!